Same-Day Procedures

Many procedures can be done at a surgery center allowing you to go home on the same day and back to work when you are ready.

Anal Fissure Surgery

Initial treatment for an anal fissure is good bowel habits and nifedipine ointment. If that fails, two surgical options exist. Dr. Ofshteyn can inject botox into your anal muscle to help it relax and allow for healing. If that does not work, Dr. Ofshteyn can perform a lateral internal sphincterotomy, where a small part of the muscle is cut to allow the rest of the anus to relax and heal. Dr. Ofshteyn will work together with you to help your body find a way to heal.

Do you have an anal fissure?

Do you need a surgeon to evaluate and treat your anal fissure? You deserve to live without pain and fear of going to the bathroom. Call our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ofshteyn. She will discuss all management options with you and help you pick the best treatment.


Phone: (408) 358-2868
Fax: (408) 358-6787

14850 Los Gatos Blvd
Los Gatos, CA 95032